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Person preparing classic shit on a shingle recipe with ingredients on kitchen counter.

Shit on a Shingle Recipe: Classic Comfort Food with a Modern Twist

If you’ve never heard of shit on a shingle recipe, get ready to discover a nostalgic dish that’s been given a modern twist. This classic comfort food, often made with creamed chipped beef on toast, has roots in military history but has found its way into family kitchens. Our version retains the comforting flavors while adding a touch of contemporary flair to keep everyone coming back for more.

In this recipe:

  • Updated ingredients for a fresh taste
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Tips for perfecting the dish
  • Serving suggestions

Do you love classic comfort foods? Then you’ll enjoy our reinvented funeral potatoes that deliver the ultimate satisfaction. And if you’re in the mood for a hearty breakfast, our easy sausage gravy will blow your mind with its rich flavors.

Ingredients for shit on a shingle recipe displayed on a kitchen counter.

Who Can Make This Recipe and What You Need

This easy breakfast recipe is ideal for beginners and home cooks yearning for a nostalgic dish. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, this dish offers a straightforward approach. It’s perfect for those seeking quick dinner ideas or easy comfort food solutions.

The difficulty level is easy, making it perfect for quick meal prep. You don’t need to be a culinary expert to whip up this economical meal. It’s a fantastic choice for anyone interested in practical military foods, providing a taste of history with minimal effort.

Essential Kitchen Tools

To make this recipe, you’ll need a few basic kitchen tools:

  • Skillet
  • Spatula
  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons

These tools are staples in most kitchens, ensuring you can prepare this dish without any special equipment. With these essentials, you can create a meal that’s both comforting and economical.

For more inspiration on practical military foods and easy comfort food recipes, visit this resource for additional ideas and variations.

So, what are you waiting for? Gather your ingredients and tools, and let’s get cooking!

The Ingredients Needed to Make Shit on a Shingle

Now that we’ve covered the minimal equipment you’ll need, let’s shift our focus to the ingredients that will bring your chipped beef on toast to life. Choosing the right ingredients is crucial for achieving the perfect flavor and texture in your dish. This classic recipe is simple, but using high-quality components will make all the difference.

Essential Ingredients

To start, you’ll need some dried beef, which is the star ingredient in this dish. Its salty and savory flavor is what gives chipped beef on toast its signature taste. You can usually find dried beef in the canned meat section of your grocery store.

  • Dried Beef: The classic taste comes from this.
  • Butter and Flour: These form the base of your creamy Béchamel sauce recipe.
  • Milk: This creates the creamy texture we’re aiming for.

Using these ingredients will help you create a delectable white sauce for your beef. The combination of butter, flour, and milk forms a rich and smooth Béchamel sauce, which is essential for this chipped beef gravy recipe. When you mix in the dried beef, the flavors meld together beautifully, resulting in a comforting and satisfying meal.

Are you ready to gather your ingredients and get started on this classic dried beef recipe? Let’s dive into the cooking process and bring this delicious dish to life!

Step-by-step guide on preparing a classic shit on a shingle recipe with instructions.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Shit on a Shingle

Now that we’ve gathered all the ingredients for making this classic military dish, it’s time to dive into the step-by-step process. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure your homemade SOS turns out perfectly. Ready to get started?

Step 1: Prepare the Dried Beef

First, take the dried beef and rinse it under cold water to remove excess salt. This will balance the flavors in your creamed beef on toast. Once rinsed, slice the beef into thin strips or bite-sized pieces. This step ensures the meat is evenly distributed in the sauce, providing that traditional comfort dish feel.

Step 2: Make the Roux

Next, it’s time to create the base of our creamy sauce. In a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Once melted, gradually whisk in the flour. Keep whisking until the mixture turns golden brown. This process should take about 2-3 minutes. The roux will add a rich, nutty flavor to the sauce, essential for that homemade SOS taste.

Step 3: Gradually Add the Milk

With your roux ready, slowly pour in the milk, whisking continuously. This step is crucial to avoid any lumps in the sauce. Continue stirring until the mixture thickens, which should take about 5-7 minutes. You’re aiming for a smooth, velvety consistency that coats the back of a spoon. Once thickened, add your prepared dried beef to the sauce, stirring until well combined.

There you have it! Serve your creamed beef on toast, and enjoy one of the most cherished traditional comfort dishes. This step-by-step guide on how to make SOS ensures you achieve the perfect balance of flavors and textures. Whether you’re making it for a nostalgic meal or trying it for the first time, this classic military dish is sure to become a favorite in your home.

Serving and Storing Ideas and Tips

Now that you’ve mastered the step-by-step guide on how to make this dish, let’s dive into the best ways to serve and store it. Whether you’re planning a nostalgic meal or looking for family dinner ideas, these tips will help you get the most out of your recipe.

Serving Suggestions

Once your creamy mixture is ready, it’s time to think about presentation. Serve over toasted bread, biscuits, or even mashed potatoes for a hearty meal. This dish is versatile enough for both traditional breakfast meals and dinner. Add a sprinkle of parsley or chives for a fresh touch. Pair with a side salad or steamed vegetables to balance the richness.

Why not make it a family dinner idea? Kids and adults alike will appreciate the comforting flavors. You can even set up a toppings bar with shredded cheese, chopped bacon, or sautéed mushrooms to customize each plate.

Are you hosting a brunch? This dish can easily fit into your menu alongside scrambled eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit. It’s a crowd-pleaser and perfect for a nostalgic meal with friends and family.

When it comes to serving and storing ideas, keep things simple but flavorful. The key is to create a meal that’s both delicious and easy to enjoy.

Storing Tips

If you have leftovers, don’t worry! This dish stores well in the refrigerator for up to three days. Place the mixture in an airtight container to keep it fresh. When you’re ready to reheat, do so gently on the stove over low heat, stirring occasionally to maintain the creamy texture.

For longer storage, consider freezing. Portion the mixture into freezer-safe containers or bags. Label them with the date and freeze for up to three months. To reheat, thaw in the refrigerator overnight and warm up on the stove.

Remember, proper serving and storing ideas ensure that you can enjoy this nostalgic meal again and again. Happy cooking!

Pro Tip

  • For extra flavor, add a splash of Worcestershire sauce.
  • To save time, use pre-sliced dried beef from your grocery store.
  • Try adding a pinch of nutmeg for an interesting twist.
  • Always toast the bread to prevent it from becoming soggy.
  • For a richer sauce, substitute part of the milk with heavy cream.
  • If you want a thicker sauce, use less milk.
  • Garnish with fresh chopped parsley for a burst of color.
  • For a smoky flavor, top with a sprinkle of smoked paprika.
  • Use whole grain bread to add more texture and nutrients.
  • Serve with a side of pickles to cut through the richness.


Welcome to the FAQ section! Here we answer some of the most common questions about making SOS (Shit on a Shingle) and provide tips on ingredient replacement options, money savings, and SOS variations.

Questions About Making SOS

1. Can I use ground beef instead of dried beef?

Yes, you can use ground beef instead of dried beef. However, you’ll need to adjust the seasoning accordingly. Ground beef tends to be less salty than dried beef, so consider adding a bit more salt or other spices to match the flavor profile. For more seasoning tips, check out this guide.

2. How can I make this dish more budget-friendly?

To make SOS more budget-friendly, consider using leftover roast beef or turkey. These leftovers can be just as flavorful and will help you save money. Additionally, buying ingredients in bulk or on sale can further reduce costs.

3. What other breads can I use?

While traditional SOS is served on toast, you can get creative with your bread options. Try it with biscuits, bagels, or English muffins for a different texture and taste. Each type of bread offers a unique twist on this classic dish.

Questions About Ingredient Replacement Options

4. Are there vegetarian options for SOS?

Absolutely, you can make a vegetarian version of SOS by using plant-based meat alternatives or even mushrooms. These substitutes can provide a similar texture and flavor. Make sure to adjust the seasonings to enhance the taste, as vegetarian options can sometimes be less savory.

5. Can I use gluten-free bread for SOS?

Yes, you can use gluten-free bread if you are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease. There are many great gluten-free bread options available in stores now. Just ensure the rest of your ingredients are also gluten-free to avoid any issues.

For more tips and variations, including ingredient replacements and cost-saving options, visit our recommended source.

We hope these FAQs help you make the most delicious and customizable SOS possible. Happy cooking!


Hello There!

I’m Ben, the culinary enthusiast and voice behind Simple Recipe Box. Welcome to my little corner of the internet, a place where I share my passion for simple, yet delicious meals that cater to cooks of all levels.

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